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DC Government
CBE Certified
Human Resc. Scanning
Document Scanning Workflow | Digital Document Restoration | Microfilm Conversion | On-Site Document Scanning
Large Format Scanning | Student Records Scanning | Medical Records Scanning | Human Resc. Scanning
Invoice Scanning | Book Scanning | Back-File Scanning
Human resource documents are special in their own right. The proper consideration needs to be given when planning out the scanning of hard copy records into electronic images. There are not many departments whose paperwork is regulated at some many levels and with so many rules.
At aDigital Solutions we work with you to ensure your records are accurately and securely scanned. The first part of the process involves us meeting with you and analyzing the Who, What, Where and Why. These answers drive us to create the How.
When we scan your records you will know that they will be completed accurately and efficiency. We can do the work either at your location or at our location. Either way the project will involves the usage of our high level scanners, best of breed software and operational procedures that of which at least 60% of the steps involve Quality Control review.
Resumes, applications, legal documents, federal and state tax information needs to be maintained within an employee file. Most states require keeping records after an employee leaves and most opt to keep the information indefinitely for legal reasons. So how do you handle employee records?
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